In the Vahanti family, an aged oil heating system was replaced with an air-to-water heat pump and radiators for circulating underfloor heating. The balance is almost 1,500 euros in annual savings in energy bills, a much smaller carbon footprint and a maintenance-free everyday life.
In January 2017, Janne Vahanti and Maria Nurmi, who live in Kalanti, Southwest Finland, were in a situation familiar to many single-family homes. The 120-square-foot house, built by Mary’s parents since the mid-1970s, was becoming the family’s number one home, but there was also quite a bit to renovate ahead: in practice, the house was in its original patterns, except for the wallpaper.

According to calculations, Vahantie’s energy renovation will pay for itself in 5-7 years. The annual savings on the electricity bill are EUR 1,500.
An easy and effortless option

Ilma-vesilämpöpumpun sisäyksikkö ja kuvassa oleva tasaussäiliö mahtuivat hyvin vanhan öljykattilan paikalle.

Jäspi’s myUpway remote monitoring sends a notification to the resident’s e-mail in the event of a fault or disturbance.
Cooling remained on the wish list

The air-to-water heat pump controls are easy to use.

Waxes have carefully monitored electricity consumption after the renovation.
Energy support also helps

The outdoor unit of an air-to-water heat pump is larger than an air-to-water heat pump. The vegetables made a grille around it, landscaping its facade.
Interested? See more about air-to-water heat pumps here.